Tuesday, July 28, 2009

funny story: a knock at the door

a few nights ago I was awakened by a strange knocking sound. I thought it might have been Emily kicking the floor of her pack-n-play or something outside. So I listened again. Sure enough it was coming from outside our camper. I was sort of fuzzy since I was fast asleep so it took me a minute, but then I heard this little voice say, "Mom, can you unlock the door? I fell out of the camper." WHAT?!?! I jumped up and opened the door for Elijah. He got wedged down between the mattress and the canvas (which is just velcroed underneath the bed. I guess it wasn't pressed down or his weight was enough to break the seal. He actually fell out of the camper on to the ground outside his bed with his sleeping bag and then was locked out. After I found out he was okay and talked to him about it the next day I absolutely cracked up. Who falls out of the camper?


  1. i cannot stop laughing. i read it again, and i laugh again. wonderful.

  2. ditto! Laura and I read it together, and then had to call mom to read it to her. So hilarious. I can hear his voice so clearly.
